Canopy Tours | Zip Lining

Zip Lining is one of the most entertaining ways to experience the wildlife in the area and to immerse yourself in the jungle. It is a great family activity too. There are two different nearby companies you can go with that offer daily trips at several times.

Canopy Del Pacifico
Located in Mal Pais on a 65-acre farm covered in tropical forest and diverse wildlife. The course is 1 mile long and includes a 500m ride through the trees and a 300m ride overlooking the ocean. They have high safety standards, and experienced and entertaining guides that make it all more enjoyable. It lasts about 2 hours depending on size of group.

Waterfalls Canopy Tour Montezuma
Located in Montezuma, which is a nearby town and only a short drive away. The canopy consists of 10 cables and crosses over the famous Montezuma River. You get incredible views of the ocean as you glide along in the jungle. And you can have a swim in the famous waterfalls. It has experienced guides and high safety standards. The course lasts about 2 hours.

For any more information, please feel free to ask us in reception during your stay.